Long Term Plan + Forum North Trust

Over the past few months the Forum North Trust have been quietly working away cementing our team and gathering professional support from necessary quarters to make a solid case to show the Council and the public that we are now ready to advance the building of the new Lyric Theatre at Forum North in this year’s Long-Term Plan. Submissions close on the 25th of April

The Trust has been communicating with New Zealand Theatre experts. In August of last year we were asked to present to the Council and explain what we consider the best options are for Forum North, which is now closed for much of the time. This resulted in a jointly signed MOU with the Council and the Forum North Trust. Tertiary institutions are also looking at using the Forum North site and have signalled that the new Theatre would be of benefit for their purposes.

Another highlight last year was a very generous legacy, left for the building of the new Theatre when a local philanthropist died. This funding goes alongside another $1,000,000 if the Theatre is started by mid-2027, which we hope will be the case.


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